Friday, April 12, 2013

our boys: 19 months and 4 months.

oh wow. our boys right now....they are a blast.


Berkeley is the most fun thing you'll ever see. now that the weather is warmer, he wants to be outside constantly. he's liking to take walks a lot more than he used to. the other day I pushed him into the garage in his stroller after a long walk (I wear sam in the ergo) and he flipped out, wanting to go on another walk. fine with me! I would walk all day if I could :) plus since i'm carrying sam, I feel like i'm getting a real workout with the added 15-20 lbs :)

he's obsessed with basketball and no matter what's on tv he'll point and say "ba ba", hoping you'll change it to basketball
Berkeley likes to share a bowl of cereal with me in the morning. this might be my favorite part of the day. he also likes for me to hold him while I make my coffee. mornings have always been my favorite, but now they really are.

we give him chocolate carnation instant breakfast in his milk to help him gain weight. as soon as I pour a cup of milk, he says "ca-ca", for chocolate and points to the cabinet. i'm so glad because it helps him drink probably an extra 800 calories a day, which he desperately needed.

I can't figure out a nap schedule for him. for a while, we were on a role, but having sam awake more now has really thrown him off. for Berkeley's afternoon nap, sometimes sam is being so loud just talking or cooing that Berkeley can't go to sleep. if we skip the afternoon nap, nighttime is a breeze because he goes to sleep so quickly, but he's miserably tired until bedtime. if we give him an afternoon nap, even for 30 minutes, it takes him about an hour to fall asleep at night. no bueno.

the boys stay with a sweet girl a few hours, two days a week while I do my practicum for school. he loves her, but when I come home he immediately starts saying, "bye bye" to her and ushers her out the door :)

he wants to say "bye bye" and "hi" to everything. "bye bye car", "hi stars", "bye bye truck"

he loves to pull all my shoes out of the closet and make me wear them, especially my cowboy boots.

he likes to go with me to get the mail and says "meh" all the way to the mailbox.

his favorite book is "welcome to merriweather farm", a john deer book. he loves to say "moo" to the cows in the book.

in his puppy book, a puppy is trying to chew a little girl's baby doll and he says "no no!" he's heard us say that to roger plenty of times :)

in his dinosaur book there is a puppy that is trying to eat ice cream off a table and he loves telling him "no no!" too.

he loves people and pretty much puts on a show when more than one person is over.

if you ask him if he wants a bath, he runs straight to the tub.


sam looooves when you look at him. he'll just smile and smile :)

he giggles when you tickle him.

he squeals when he's lying on his play mat and playing with his toys.

he's having a hard time nursing now that he's taking a bottle a couple times a week :( but it also seems that he might be teething, and maybe that's what's causing the problem...not really sure.

he is happy, happy, happy most of the time...but don't try to take him to a restaurant and make him sit in his car seat. he will not have that.

he looks like a 6 month old. he is 4 months :)

he sleeps great still! he goes to sleep about 9...and all you have to do is swaddle him, put him down, and walk away. it's kind of crazy considering all we've had/still have to do to get Berkeley to sleep.

he's sitting up great in his bumbo now.

and just for update on Derek and me :)

my mom and dad give us a date night every other Friday night, which we cherish.

my parents also keep the boys while we go to small group on Thursday nights. let me tell you, good friends have made all the difference in our marriage.

we love to watch duck dynasty any time it's on. the wholesome humor does us good :)

we enjoy loading up the boys and taking a drive to dunkin' donuts to share a dark chocolate mocha iced coffee. we are addicted. yum!

this season of life with two tiny ones is pure craziness. things between Derek and me are not at all like they were when we were dating....they are so much better. different, but better. more rich, I guess you could say. I can guarantee i'll look back on this time of our lives and smile :)

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