Thursday, February 7, 2013

my boys. 17 months and 9 weeks.

:for breakfast he either wants to share a bowl of cereal or eat a frozen he eats it frozen, won't let me toast it these days:
:wants me to read his big truck book to him over and over:
:he's really quiet and cuddly all morning until his first nap, then he's all adventure and play in the afternoon:
:he met his new babysitter today (he and sam will stay with her during my 6 hour a week practicum for school). my shy little mommy's boy did great...gave her five, gave her books to read to him, showed her his room, and wanted to follow her out to her car. what a relief! :)
:wants to eat reeses puffs and potato chips all day. but his meals are healthy so I let him eat those as snacks:
:quit falling asleep in his own bed (like, it would take one or two hours), so we have been letting him go to sleep in the bed with me, while Derek takes sam. then we switch in the middle of the night when sam gets hungry. yeah, we're kinda flexible, to say the least. it's not that bad and we know it won't last forever. just a stage. he's only 17 months old and he's already gone through so many silly stages, we know this one is bound to end soon like the rest of them:

thinks he's too big for a highchair.

fell asleep during supper, which is amazing for a child that takes FOREVER to fall asleep any other time :)

:still sleeping pretty much all day:
:went to his 2 month appointment yesterday and is in the 79th percentile for his weight! that's great because Berkeley has never been above the 22nd percentile, and that was at his best!:
:is kind of fussy at night and right when he finishes eating:
:smiling more and cooing. precious. melts this mamas heart:
:loves to sleep with his daddy holding him:
...don't really have much else to say for sam. he is still kind of just quiet and sleeping most of the time. so ready for him to be part of the family, interacting and everything.

snoozin' while berkeley and I played outside on a gorgeous day
what happens when dad changes your diaper. onesie over pants.

here's a glimpse of the fort Berkeley and I made on a cold winter day. at first, he hated it and would freak out when I climbed in. so I just decided to act like it wasn't there and eventually he crawled in there on his own and hung out there all afternoon.

 it's so crazy being in charge of his entertainment. mommy's have a big job! big, and challenging, and the most amazing job ever! how will I ever leave them to teach school?? or will I have to???
so much unknown right now, which is why all I can do is enjoy the present. knowing I might not be doing this with my boys this time next year keeps things in perspective big time.

Friday, February 1, 2013

glimpses of our home.

here is our new home. a dream come true. a surprise actually! we had no idea at the beginning of the summer that we would be having a house built by august. it was all just part of a perfect plan God had in store for us! we get to live across the street from our dear friends and small group leaders. we have dreams of our children growing up across the street from each other. I've already walked across the street to borrow butter for brownies one night, and olive oil for bread dip another night. we love it here on gardenia street.

our home :)
a corner of the boys' room. lyrics from "needle and thread" by sleeping at last + a pallet that hubby turned into a bookshelf.

kitchen, where I do all my cooking. haha. yeah, right.

guest room. come visit and you can stay here :) print on the nightstand says "rise and shine" love it.
our bedroom-"you are my happily ever after" print is my fave.

entryway. love our typewriter...a housewarming gift from the lady that introduced us.

another corner of our bedroom....berkeley snuck into this one. i'm glad :)

fireplace. painting by hubby's boss' wife. she's so very talented, and so sweet to paint that for us.
old window from our alma mater (university of central Arkansas) + thrifted green velvet chair (we got two!)
thanks for touring our home!