Berkeley-2 1/2 years old
-Berkeley has been going to speech therapy with my friend Cecelia for about 6 weeks now. Our shy babbler has transformed into a brilliant non-stop talker!
-he wraps his little arms around himself and says, "it's cold outside!"
-he loves pancakes (the frozen eggo kind) and helps me make them by pushing the start button on the microwave
-he loves the act of making eggs, but only occasionally actually eats them.
-he likes school and rarely complains about going
-still enjoys watching curious george and can tell you what's going to happen in every scene before it even happens.
-still enjoys watching dump trucks, bulldozers, trains, and fire trucks on my phone
-loves his daddy
-loves chicken and fries
-steals Sam's paci constantly
-gets put in time out for throwing and hitting occasionally, and will make sure we put him in there if he commits a crime. He actually enjoys timeout :)
-loves his nana and papa
-likes playing with his bulldozers in nana and papas tub
-occasionally loves on Sam
-sleeping great!
Sam-15 months
-sleeps half of the night in his crib and half of the night next to me :)
-still nursing in the afternoons and at night
-walking everywhere
-loves roger
-loves Berkeley and calls him "boppy"
-big time mamas boy
-knows the names of all the babies and teachers in his class
-can say several words: banana, mama, dada, Berkeley, roger, cereal, apple, cup, bulldozer, and many more!
-he's a hitter, so we have to watch that :)
-just got his first haircut and looks like a little man now
-will give kisses
-no longer sick all the time now that we use essential oils
We are in a good place, our little family. Love them to pieces!!
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