Berkeley is 22 months old (almost 2!) and sam is a little over 6 months old!
I am feeling sad, yet excited that sam is growing out of his newborn baby stage.
he's juuuuust about to be able to sit up. he's so close!
he just had a check-up and he weighs 18 lbs. Berkeley weighs 21 lbs, so that means a 3 lb difference between babies that are 15 months apart! oh well, they are both so handsome and sweet :)
we wrote down all the words Berkeley can say the other day. it is well over 50 words! he only puts a few short sentences together, but I really feel like we're able to communicate during the day. I can ask him questions and he can respond. although, he does answer no to everything, even if he means yes. the way you can tell which one he means is by see which way he shakes his head :)
there are a few fits here and there with Berkeley. they are miserable and heartbreaking because I immediately think, "where is my sweet little man?" but then they pass and life is good again. I am praying constantly for god to let a generous portion of his love flow through me, along with strength and patience as I mother these precious boys. I got that prayer from "power of a praying parent" and it really has been helpful. I also pray for the nurturing skills I must have to make them feel loved.
but above all that, god has been speaking to me (through this sweet girl's blog) that what really matters is that I point these boys to Christ. in the end, no matter how I parent, I pray that god will take my messy motherhood and turn it into something beautiful for him. really, if I pray that, I can just do my best and trust that god will put all the pieces together in the end.
I am gearing up to do my student teaching for a whole semester. this will be the most I've been away from either one of my boys since Berkeley was born. I am praying for strength and joy during this very scary time for me. I have this fear that will forget me, or not love me as much because I leave them all day, especially if I end up teaching full-time.
that's another reason i'm praying that i'll remember that all that really matters is that I point them Jesus, even if I can't be home with them forever.
so anyway, back to the boys. sam is just a happy little man (except for the last few days since he had his shots) my favorite thing to do is take him and smoosh his squishy little face against mine and hug him super tight. i'm sure it's his favorite part of the day too ;)
we took Berkeley to the nursery at church for the first time this weekend. I was so worried that he would cry and cry for us. um, he didn't. he had a blast in there and didn't want to leave! i'm so thrilled. I want him to love church and just being around people that love god, and the nursery, as small as it is, is a start!
we are enjoying these summer evenings just like they were meant to be enjoyed. we stay outside almost all afternoon/night when Derek gets home from work. we take walks and enjoy the sprinkler in the back yard. the only time we come in is to watch a little curious George on the tv, because that is all Berkeley cares about these days. that and watching firetrucks and trains on my phone on youtube.
thank you lord for giving me these boys. I love them dearly and pray again that i'll point them to you!
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