Wednesday, May 15, 2013

our boys: 20 months and 5 months

-he is obsessed with all things "bulldozer". he calls any big machine a bull dozer. he sees them on the side of the road, in our neighborhood on walks because someone is building a house, and on sam's clothes! I recently discovered a channel on youtube called twenty trucks where they put cute little songs to videos of construction machines working. he is obsessed! he brings me my phone about 100 times a day and says "doo, doo" which obviously means bulldozer
-he's not really the best eater these days, but he likes papa john's cheese sticks, spinach smoothies, chocolate chips cookies, ramen noodles, polish sausage, cheetohs, and French fries. go figure.
-he must have learned it from nana, but he says "shoooo weeee" when I change his diaper, and then grins so big.
-he still loves basketball and demands it be on at all times. he doesn't really watch it like he used to though. he just wants it on the tv.
-he's starting to be so sweet to sam. he'll lean over sam's little rock n' play and baby talk to him, even though you can't tell what he's saying, you can tell he's mimicking me :)
-he grabs my hand to help him down the front porch steps and it's just the sweetest thing.
-if he's outside, he wants his car (bubble car, cozy coupe, whatever you call it). he loads it up with dirt or snacks and pushes it around. or he'll just sit in it. rarely does he want you to push him in it. oh, but when he does, he doesn't want you to stop. ever.
-even though we just got a fence, he only wants to play in the front yard, and will throw a huge fit if you make him play in the backyard. but then he gets over it pretty quickly.
-when sam is asleep he will say "shhh shhhh" with his little finger over his mouth.
-he loooooves when Derek comes home from work. he says "da da!" over and over.
-he's in to curious George and points to the tv and says "oooh oooh, ah ah" when he wants to watch his curious George dvd.
-he loves ice cream and ice cream cones and says, "cone, cone" all day long.
-his favorite toys are tractors. he carries them all over the house and mostly plays with them on the hearth of the fireplace.
-he loves "uh-oh", my teddy bear from childhood. these days he asks for him before he takes a nap or goes to sleep at night. uh-oh is slowly replacing the passie. he only uses that to fall asleep these days. hopefully it will be gone forever soon! he'll see a passie during the daytime and say "no, no!"

-I call him sammie sammers, or sammie sweet sammers.
-he grins ALL THE TIME.
-he is still a wonderful sleeper. a little before 8 at night he gets sleepy. I swaddle him, put him to bed, and he sleeps until about 3 in the morning. then he eats and goes back to sleep until around 7.
-his little gums are starting to hurt him so he's drooling non-stop and always wanting to chew on his hand or mine.
-he CAN roll over both ways, but chooses not to very often.
-I think he's going to like tv way sooner than Berkeley did. he always tries to find the tv and will just sit and stare at it. but I don't let him really. I do let him watch a finding nemo clip on youtube while he does his tummy time. he just grins and grins when squirt, the little sea turtle, comes on.
-he's still nursing like a champ. it's going to be so nice not to have to buy formula. that stuff is pricey!!
-he doesn't really like riding in the car. we went to see Derek's parents three hours away and he kicked his legs and refused to fall asleep most of the time. but he was still sweet :)
-he will grab my face with both hands when i'm talking to him. I can guarantee you that will never get old.

i'm learning a lot in this season of life about my attitude and my priorities. as much as  I adore being a mom and don't want to ever do anything else, I can get pretty snippy when things don't go my way. i'm so very quick realize it and to apologize to Derek, but i'd like to get to the point where I can just let things (messy house, dishes, too many to-dos) just roll off my back. it will be a lifelong lesson, i'm sure, but i'll still be praying about it consistently. i'm learning that even when things are going well, I need to make the time to just sit and be with God. especially in the mornings. I don't need to wait until things are going wrong to turn to him.
Derek and I are taking sam to Nashville with us next week so he can attend a conference for work. Berkeley is going to stay here with my mom and Derek's mom (they're going to take turns). I know for a fact i'm going to miss Berkeley, but having one on one time with sam will be lovely. so will the naps with no house cleaning or errands to do ;)

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